Latest news
April 2013
# Wow! Already more than 1400 people visited Yle Areena Luonto lahella -web site to look at the tv programme made on our field sites originally in 2007! It was available there for one week after launching it on morning TV in Finland, and this great number of views is far above the average of this tv series. Check the video in Yle website #
March 2013
# Eini Nieminen is doing her MSc in black grouse project in 2013 #
# 2013 winter captures are finished and we are looking forward the lekking season #
# New publications:
Hamalainen, Alatalo, Lebigre, Siitari & Soulsbury: Fighting behaviour as a correlate of male mating success in the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1577-1586 (2012)
Lebigre, Alatalo & Siitari: Physiological costs enforce the honesty of lek display in the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), Oecologia in press #
May 2012
# Congratulations to Matti on getting his first paper accepted in Behavioral Ecology.#
# Congratualtions to Anssi on funding from the Kone foundation (travel grant), Kuopio Naturalist's society (experimental work) and the University of Jyväskylä (visit to a foregin laboratory).#
# Well done Matti on getting the final year of PhD funding from the Emil Aaltosen foundation.#
April 2012
#Our latest paper on restrictive mate choice and age-specific inbredeing is Online early in Animal Behaviour.#
#Start of the black grouse lekking season. Good luck to everyone and enjoy the early mornings.#

#Dr. Gilbert Ludwig is working again for the team in collaboration with Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute and Finnish Game Centre determining partitioning of grouse populations in Finland#
January 2011
#Many congratulation to Heli on the birth of her son!#November and December 2011
#Eini a new trainee is starting in our lab. Welcome!##Heli is in Kuopio to give a lecture#
#Matti and Carl are at the ASAB Winter meeting on 1st and 2nd of December.#
#11th November 2011, our latest paper is featured on the front cover of Biology Letters.#